Thursday, May 10, 2012

Planting Festival - Part II

When we'd walked around in the 90-degree heat, looking at odd birds and heirloom plans for a few hours, we decided to head over to the restaurant in the village.  It's an adorable, quaint little restaurant with a pianist in the corner.  Even more amazingly, the restaurant runs on donations.  They offer one dish and two drink options, and then you make a donation on the way out if you're able or compelled.  Did I mention it's a vegetarian restaurant?  So pretty much, this was the best day of my life!  I ate my plate of fried rice, most of Ellis', and 6 dumplings!  (Remember that Chris Farley SNL skit where he says, "Lay off me, I'm STARVING!"  In our house, it goes like this: "Lay off me, I'm NURSING!")

After we (I) ate, we sat in the barn to enjoy a little music.  It was a really wonderful day.  Eric and I were both so happy to have a little trip with our family.  I just tried to soak it up, all day long.

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