Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Walk Down Memory Lane

As Oliver's birthday approaches this week, I find myself reflecting on what I was doing this time last year, before we had met him.  Now that he's a part of our lives, it's hard to believe that there was ever a time when I hadn't seen his sweet little face or heard his voice.  But just one year ago, that was the case.  One year ago:

  • I was 39 weeks 2 days pregnant
  • Ellis was 2 years 5 months old
  • The pool was the only place in the world I was comfortable
  • I was nervous about another labor and delivery
  • I felt anxious about how Ellis would react to a sibling (rightly so, as it turned out)
  • I had my last appointment with my midwife, who didn't schedule to see me the next week because she didn't think I would be pregnant in another week.  She said, "I tell you what--if you're still pregnant next week, I'll come to you."
  • I was mentally preparing myself to be pregnant another 2 weeks, as Ellis had been 13 days "late"
  • I had no idea the challenges I was about to face as a mother of two
  • I could not fathom how much I could love another child
The last photo of me pregnant with Oliver, 10 days before his birth

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