Monday, January 21, 2013

Ellis' Birthday Week

Ellis' 4th birthday is a week from today (*sniff*), and so I thought it would be fun to have a look back at his life so far. It's hard for me to believe that he'll be four years old...I suppose this is how it always goes. I'm thankful that he's healthy and growing up, and yet it's very bittersweet to have my first baby become so un-baby-like.

For today, let's have a look back at my pregnancy with Ellis. I absolutely loved being pregnant. Ellis' pregnancy was my second pregnancy, following a devastating miscarriage at 13 weeks in my first pregnancy. Ellis' pregnancy was fraught with anxiety at times, but it was also filled with gratitude for the opportunity I was being given to be a mother. I loved him fiercely from the very beginning.

J. Hoffine

This is the last photo of me prior to labor photos. I was 39 weeks pregnant...Ellis was born a whopping 20 days after this photo was taken. Suffice it to say, I was enormous.  

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