Friday, June 29, 2012

Family Fun

Hanging out or eating out, we had fun on our trip:

Eric and Ellis playing around with Cousin Shae (my 1st cousin)

Oliver's first spaghetti

My brother, Logan, with Ellis and Yia Yia (my mom)

Oliver and Mama at a Japanese Steakhouse

Yia Yia and Papou

My aunt, Sheila, and Shae

Hanging out in his underwear, singing about broccoli

Eating out for Father's Day

Silly Daddy!

Where's Oliver?

Oliver spent a good deal of our condo time playing with the cords from this cabinet.  Cheap entertainment.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Universal Studios - Day 2

We're back for more!

We stood in line to meet the Lorax, one of Ellis' favorite characters, but he got a little freaked out at the last minute, so Oliver and I got our picture taken with him instead.
The Curious George spray area was a godsend.  

We tried to stay dry and just put Oliver's hand in...

...but then we just went for it!
Ellis' first roller coaster.  Can you spot him?

Eric and Ellis are in the second car back in this one (their second go-round).

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Crackin' the Code

Move over, Ocean's Eleven!  Ellis and Oliver are in the safe cracking business these days!

There was a safe in the closet of our hotel room, and as you can see, it was a big hit with the boys.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Magic Kingdom

On the evening of our first day in Orlando, we went to Disney World's Magic Kingdom.  We had been advised to go in the evening, as there would be fewer people and the temperature would be cooler.  It worked out well for us, as we were squeezing in as much tourism as humanly possible into two days.  We were glad we went in the evening; it was cooler, the fireworks were awesome, and we saw the evening parade.  Having never been there in the daytime, I can't speak to the crowd level, except to say that there were plenty of people there for my comfort. The only regret is that we got there after Buzz Lightyear had already gone home to his wife and kids (5:30, in case you're wondering what kind of hours Buzz keeps).  

Take us to Disney World, Daddy!

Waiting for the ferry over to Magic Kingdom

Daddy and Ellis, looking at a brochure on the ferry.  

Yes, that's a harness.  Judge if you will.  I am not losing my child at Disney World.

Playing hopscotch while waiting for the parade

Oliver and me at the parade

We were packed in like sardines, hence the up-the-nose shot.  

Friday, June 22, 2012

Orlando - Day 1

From the time we arrived in Orlando (after midnight due to a longer-than-expected flight and rental car fiasco), we caught about 6 hours of sleep and hit the ground running.  We had less than 48 hours in Orlando to do everything we wanted to do and see everything we wanted to see.  Whew--I'm tired just remembering it!  We spent the first part of our first day at Universal Studios. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

First Time Seeing the Ocean

The boys saw the ocean for the first time last week.  It was dusk.  They loved it.  It was beautiful.