Friday, April 20, 2012

Serious Play

One of Ellis' favorite things is playing with dried pinto beans and colored pasta.  He dumps.  He scoops.  He eats.  It's a seriously good time.

Back in December, I had this brilliant idea to have a sensory-play themed playgroup at our house with our Attachment Parenting group.  I filled an under-bed storage tub and a sand/water table with 20 pounds of dried beans and 15 pounds of colored pasta (gluten-free, no less).  Then invited over 10 of our closest friends and their children.  Chaos ensued.  I'm still finding beans in random places throughout the house...

Which is why, as you'll see, we take this activity outdoors now.  It's a great time.  There's something about this type of play that is particularly engaging and fulfilling for Ellis--I don't know if it's the textures, the colors, the shapes, the ability to make a giant mess, or some combination of all of it.  As you'll see, Oliver rather enjoyed himself as well!

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