Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gratitude: Improvement

Do I dare even write this? I'm not really superstitious, so here goes...

Today, I'm thankful for improvement. That things are getting easier. That a full 24 hours by myself with the boys doesn't constitute a crisis. That we can travel across the city to see a friend without serious car drama. That, in general, my load feels lighter.

Last night Oliver was cranky and asked to be put in the sling. As I carried him, he nursed on and off, then started pointing in his mouth, then at the kitchen cabinets. I asked him if he wanted several things and he shook his head "no," and then finally I got to the cabinet where we keep medicine. I held up the infant ibuprofen bottle and asked him if he needed some medicine and he started nodding his head furiously. Poor baby! His teeth hurt!

Sad as that was, it's an improvement. It's an indication that Oliver is better able to communicate his needs to me, and that I spend less time playing the "why's baby crying?" guessing game.

Similarly, Ellis is maturing. And they're occasionally playing in the same room without any screeching or screaming, "He's touching my stuff!!"

I don't really have a photo to show improvement, but I do have a couple cute cell phone pics.

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