Monday, March 26, 2012

Dallas - Part I

In a nearly unprecedented move, our little family took a vacation last week.  We flew down to Dallas, Texas, on Tuesday and came home Saturday.  We had a really nice time, minus a few hiccups--but what vacation is complete without those?

Our first day in Dallas, we decided to go to the Dallas World Aquarium.  Ellis was excited, we paid our $96 admission... and before we knew it, eleven minutes had passed and we'd only seen the inside of the restroom and a shark tank, but a terrified Ellis was wailing, "Get me out of here!"  (Noted: the child is terrified of birds and fish.)  Thankfully the lovely people at DWA were willing to give us a refund.  On to Plan B!

We regrouped after nap time and went to the Dallas Zoo.  Thankfully, no refund was necessary.

Eric and Ellis at the Aquarium, pre-entry/pre-drama

 Eric at the zoo

Content with the promise of no "feathers" and no fish 

Admiring the elephants

Our little family at the zoo

My sweet boy

Who needs animals when you can pretend to drive a safari vehicle?

Up close and personal with a giraffe

Carousel fun

Oliver, worn out

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