Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oliver at One

-Activities: walking, climbing, clapping, whatever brother is doing
-First word: kitty
-Other words: milk ("ilk"), nurse ("nur"), night-night ("nigh-nigh"), num-num (for eating/food), mama, dada, Ellis ("ay-yis"), outside ("oush," recently he's started bringing me shoes and saying this), nice (says when petting kitties--"niiice"), eyes (usually said while either pointing to his own eyes or gouging yours), E-I-E-I-O
-Favorite foods: eggs, meatballs, mashed potatoes, pasta, blackberries
-Favorite song: "If You're Happy and You Know It"
-Favorite sleepy-time song: "500 Miles" by Peter, Paul, and Mary
-Likes: baths, climbing, music, snuggling with Mama, playing with Ellis, being outside, watering plants, digging in dirt, toys with wheels, swimming
-Dislikes: car riding, being restrained (high chair, car set, etc.), shoes

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