Monday, September 3, 2012

[Belated] Birthday Pics

Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend!

I wanted to share with you some photos from my birthday weekend... which was a while ago, but I just got these photos from my best friend.  She's a busy mama herself and just had her second baby, so it took a while to get the photos to me.  Better late than never, right?

With my friend Elizabeth.  We worked together at our first counseling jobs out of college.

With my wonderful friends, Elizabeth & Kylene

With my friend, Kylene.  We worked at Ronald McDonald House Charities together and later attended the same grad school.  And briefly shared a last name.  

My true love.  We went to college together.  He shook my wet hand.  Romantic stuff.

With my mom and stepdad.  We go way back.

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