Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cultured Kids

Ellis has been borderline obsessed with mummies and sarcophagi lately, so we took a little trip to the museum to see a real mummy and its sarcophagus.  I was a little nervous that it would be scary to him when we got there, but he loved it!  I was pleasantly surprised at how well he did in the whole museum, actually.  He was really interested in the sculptures (and said cute things like, "Mommy, that guy's missing his head...and his arms!") and he loved the medieval armor.

I felt like Mother of the Year, raising little cultured museum goers.  Then we went to leave and the parking attendant said we didn't have to pay because we had been there under 30 minutes.  Oh.  Well, anyway, it was short and sweet and the kids loved all 29 minutes of it!

Giving the mummy his trademark thumbs up

I giggle every time I see this photo.


Please excuse the fuzzy pictures.  Without using a flash inside the museum, it got kind of fuzzy.  It was especially dark in the mummy exhibit, but I wanted to show you how excited Ellis was about it.

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