Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Buying [Feline] Friends

The cats and the kids don't exactly get along. I see cute photos of little kids dressing up their kitties or putting them in little baskets and whatnot, and it makes me snort a little. Our cats prefer our kids sleeping. Or out of the house, really. They're just not buds. It might be the fact that Ellis has no "subdued" function, or that Ollie swings at them every chance he gets (it's not just the cats; the kid's a slugger). 

So I had this idea! I'll get kitty treats, and the boys can give them out...and then maybe the kitties will like them more! (And hopefully the kids don't get the idea that you can win over friends with treats!)

Masha was skeptical, but she took the treats from Ellis. They did have catnip inside, after all. It was so much fun, the boys wanted to give her more and more! "One more," I'd say, but it was so cute that I doled out another and another.

Then Ellis wanted to tell Masha something, he said. Something about his blocks...being a spaceship. 

It warmed my heart, really. And just as started to have visions of Masha Cat in a bonnet, I heard Oliver saying something that sounded alarmingly like "kitty barf." (Sadly, this was an early piece of his vernacular because we have a barfy cat.) Indeed, one of the kitties had barfed up her treats.

Next time we're trying to buy the kitties' affection, maybe we'll practice a little moderation.

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