Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Welcome, Henry!

My nephew, baby Henry, made a dramatic entrance to the world this week. I had the honor of acting as a doula at his birth, which has kept me busy and away from the blog! 

Henry was a little more than 5 weeks early, but is doing well. He weighed in at 5 pounds 1 ounce and is 18 1/2 inches long!

I have photos of the little sweetie, but without his parents' consent I'm reluctant to put them out there on the world-wide web. So here's a cute story and photo of my boys: 

On Monday we were at the hospital with Kari, before we knew exactly how imminent his arrival was. The nurse asked her to take off her sweatshirt so she could get an accurate blood pressure reading. So she stripped off her shirt...and next thing I know, I've got two shirtless boys on her bed! It's monkey see, monkey do all the time with these boys!

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