Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Recap: The Lead-Up

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. We had a really nice Christmas with our family--lots of good food, tons of presents, and just enough viral illness to keep everyone on their toes. We started our festivities on Christmas Eve Eve (the 23rd, in other words), and here are some of my favorite shots:

A Christmas tradition: family photos by the fireplace

I took about a dozen of these, and not one turned out. This is my favorite outtake, though.

Present opening

Cookware! I love it!

Yes, that's my foot. And genuine laughter.

Oliver and Great-Aunt Sheila playing in styrofoam packaging

You know what they say--the kids' favorite toys are boxes
Most moving Christmas moment: my mom opened a necklace my brother made her from some of the only items recovered from their house fire. It's a necklace made from remnants of my great-great-grandmother's silverware. The comic relief, of course, is that my stepfather beside her is obliviously tickled about his new coffee mugs. 

I think Logan even got a little choked up. He gives the most thoughtful gifts. And he's crafty to boot.  

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