Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ellis' Birth Day

On Wednesday, January 28, 2009, thirteen days past my estimated due date, and 33 hours after my labor started, I gave birth to my little [8 pound, 8 ounce] Ellis. I distinctly remember when he was laid on my chest after his birth, the thought crossed my mind, "Oh my gosh, I had an actual baby!" As if this was a surprise after nearly 42 weeks of pregnancy! It was a reality I couldn't wrap my mind around until that moment... And then we locked eyes, and I was a total goner. I loved him like I had never loved anyone or anything in my life. I knew that I would dedicate my life to protecting him. It was a very distinct shift in my world.

I hear it all the time--this notion that women not only give birth to their babies, but that they also give birth to themselves as mothers. For me, it was completely true. I labored long and hard, both in the immediate sense, and over the 15 months prior to becoming a mother. Neither my journey to motherhood nor my labor was as challenging as some mothers', but both were the most challenging things I had done up until that point.

I was completely transformed. I felt like I was seeing the world with new eyes; I'd been given admission into a secret club. The secret I knew now was how deeply parents love their children. My parents, my grandparents, friends, strangers...I understood then that they all loved their children with this fierce, transformative love.

And so began my adventures with Ellis, one of the greatest loves and teachers of my life.
In early labor at home with our doula looking on

Eric helping me through a contraction


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