Friday, January 18, 2013

New Year's Resolution

My new year's resolution this year was to get more organized. My thinking was that if I got organized, then I'd be more efficient, and therefore would have more time to do the things I want to do.

So come January 1, I was all pumped....and then I spent the next 2 weeks taking care of sick kids or fighting sickness myself. If you're a parent, you know that a family's household work is so unrelenting that you can't let it go for even a day without disastrous consequences. You may be out of commission, but those darling little mess-makers don't miss a beat. Even when they're not actively tornadic, they still need to be fed and clothed.

Well, let's just say that my house was in rare form this week. As in, if my neighbor had come by for a cup of sugar (or more likely, a Diet Coke), I would've had to move...and change my name.

I haven't felt fabulous this week, but I have chipped away at the mess here and there, and by today, most of the house could pass for clean (most importantly, the parts visible from the front door). I've even done a bit of organizing. Who says resolutions are made to be broken?

Here are a couple snapshots of my organizational efforts: a utility organizer and a grocery bag holder. Hey--it's a start!

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