Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day Helper

We had a true snow day yesterday, where Daddy stayed home to work and we all hunkered down to wait out the blizzard that covered our surroundings with white. Once it became clear that Eric wasn't going anywhere, we decided to make it a fun day, even though he had to work. We had giant pancakes, a fire, and some time curled up watching TV. It really was the best day ever.

For most of the day, Ellis chose to join Daddy in the basement, where we have an office and a play area, and Oliver stayed upstairs with me. He was a good little helper. I think both Ellis and Oliver enjoyed the one-on-one time they got. Here's a recap of our snow day:

We read a bit...

"Kitty cat," of course.

We did a bit of laundry...

...and a little bit more.

Looked handsome...


We watched the 'no' falling outside...

Oliver especially liked when the "tra-choo" (tractor) plowed the alley!

And then he'd had enough. It was nap time. 

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