Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tie a String Around My Finger

Yesterday, Ellis and I were talking and he asked if I wanted to hear a story about when he was a baby. I said, "Sure, tell me about when you were a baby." He told me about how, when he was a baby, he didn't know much. 

"But I always wanted to be like you."

God, please let me always remember that. Keep this sweet little sentence in the forefront of my mind when I'm hurried, annoyed, tired, or distracted. Tie a string around my finger, so that I will remember this when I choose my words and actions, particularly when there is a giant mess or a grocery store excursion involved.

Note to self: I have a little admirer. Two, I would imagine. And they are looking to me to show them how to get along in this world. What an honor, and what a huge responsibility.


  1. Ohmygoodness! That is one of the sweetest things and, honestly, such a great reminder! :) I just love sweet little boys. They are the best!

  2. They are so sweet and innocent! I love the things like this that they say. They're great teachers if we're open to learning from them!
