Monday, February 18, 2013


We had a fast, but nice weekend. How about you?

Friday night Eric and I had dinner with some of his colleagues. Grown-up time courtesy of Grandma--always a treat!

I spent Saturday cleaning while Eric went to the office.  (Who got the worse deal there?) Then my mom and stepdad came for a visit Saturday afternoon. They played with the kids, we ate out, visited some open houses in the neighborhood (for ideas as they rebuild their home) and generally caught up. Then we parted ways yesterday after lunch at Panera.

They always seem too short, those weekends. Especially the ones when we get to see Yia Yia and Papou. Ellis and Oliver agree. Ellis sweetly told them yesterday that he wanted them to stay forever. Then last night as I was putting Oliver to bed, he was crying, "Pa-POU!" over and over. This morning he woke up early and wanted to go nurse in "Yia Yia's bed."

It's hard on them to live apart from their grandparents. I know we're lucky to live as close as we do, where we can drive rather than fly, and we can make the trip in one day if needed. Even still, they can't understand why we can't just hop in the car and see them, or why they're here one day when they wake up and not the next.

Gosh, I meant to just show you a few cell phone pics of the weekend, and ended up going on and on. Anyway, here they are.

Our stingy kisser gives out some affection.

Begging Papou for "momey" (money, for games) at the pizza place. 

A little mama-baby love.

We had to travel with a basketball. I guess it's a boy thing. 

Oliver and  his "bah."

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