Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all our friends and family! We traveled this weekend and had a great visit with my family. The boys got plenty of loves from all the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins they miss. Oliver got his doggie fix, especially from his favorite, my parents' chocolate labrador, Junior. We also got to enjoy a bit of fresh air and sunshine, which was long overdue. And Mama got a manicure (thanks YY!).  

I'll share photos all this week, starting with our Easter morning. The boys woke up to Easter baskets and were very pleased with their contents, as you'll see. Well....mostly. Ellis informed us that the Easter Bunny got it "mostly right" for Oliver, only having points deducted for getting him bunny stickers instead of dog stickers. "Oliver likes dogs, not bunnies," he said very matter-of-factly. I resisted the urge to defend the Easter Bunny, saying that well, he had done the best he could while shopping secretly at Target and also planning for coordinating Easter outfits and making travel plans, packing...but decided that getting it "mostly right" was okay. After all, I didn't hear any complaints from the dog-lover himself. He was too busy loving on his new "La-La" (Elmo) and feeding him chocolates.

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