Thursday, May 16, 2013

Building Crew

Earlier this week we visited the site of my parents' future home (sadly, their previous home was lost in a fire). Ellis was first attracted to the gravel piles, and then to the idea of helping Papou build part of the wall. Here are some photos of their construction debut. I look forward to revisiting these photos in the months and years to come, as both the house and the boys grow and change.

He was pretty tentative with the ladder at first...

Putting the block in place...

One block done...

Time to measure the next.

Very carefully supervised cutting...

Oliver thinks his garden hoe might be helpful.

Perfect fit!

The first and last time Ellis has permission to write on their walls with a Sharpie!

You can see his name if you squint...

Our climber scaled the ladder without hesitation.

A photo for posterity

Happily playing inside the house

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