Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy [Belated] Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there! I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing day yesterday. I hope it was refreshing and allowed you to reenergize for the hard work of mothering.

I spent the weekend doing a lot of reflection. About the Mother's Day five years ago when I learned I was pregnant with Ellis, but still wasn't sure I'd be a mother even then... About how fortunate I have been to have a wonderful mother, the depth of whose sacrifices I only have gotten a glimpse of as a mother myself... About how many loving women have mothered me at different times in my life, from aunts to grandmothers, babysitters, friends' mothers, church ladies, teachers, mentors... About how rare and special it is that I still have four grandmothers (maternal, paternal, and two step-grandmothers) and that I knew all but one of my great-grandmothers and I knew and remember one great-great-grandmother... About how awesome it is that I have a mother-in-law that I love and admire, who raised my husband to be someone admirable (along with his three equally admirable brothers). And while I'm at it, her mother, my husband's grandmother, took me into her home for a period of time before Eric and I were married, and she was practically a saint. She is one of my all-time favorite people and I miss her dearly. Having wonderful in-laws may be rarer than knowing my great-great-grandmother, actually...

I also spent some time reflecting on how my own mothering is going. I'm struggling with a stage we're in right now. I'm sure it will pass, but it feels important to me right now. So as I held my sweet, sleeping boys last night, I renewed my commitment to put in the hard work that is mothering them...and to redouble my efforts in some areas.

I hope that you had an equally relaxing, refreshing, reflective Mother's Day. If not, and you're feeling under-appreciated,  please know that I know a version of the hard work you're doing, and I appreciate you. It is important work that we do. Keep on keepin' on, mamas.

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