Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

First of all, a Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas reading this. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.  I had a lovely day, sleeping in until 9:30(!) and spending the day with my own mom and family.

Welcome to all who are visiting the blog for the first time.  I had almost 5 times the normal traffic on my little blog on Friday, with mamas coming over to read what I had to say in response to the Time magazine cover.  I hope the increased traffic means that what I said resonated with you.  If you're returning, I invite you to stay a while.

I am not blogging to provide information about any parenting topic; I just don't have the time or energy to devote to that right now.  Perhaps someday, I will be an authority on Attachment Parenting (AP) or breastfeeding, but right now I'm a therapist-turned-mama, volunteering as a breastfeeding helper, involved in my local AP community, blogging about the everyday goings-on of my family.

If you want more information about AP, I'm happy to talk to you about it if you know me in real life.  I'll point you to some resources at the end of this post.  There are a lot of really intelligent conversations happening right now (in addition to the really terrible, hurtful, ignorant things that are being said).  What I can offer to you is a picture of what a real-life AP family looks like, and also what the by-product of these practices looks like.  To me, the proof is in the pudding, and my healthy, thriving, secure, intelligent kiddos are the pudding, so to speak.

So, welcome.  Thank you for visiting.  Please excuse me while we resume our normal activities...

Recommended On-line Resources: 
Kellymom (an excellent resource on BF and parenting)
Code Name: Mama (one of the mothers featured in Time)


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