Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Planting Festival - Part I

Every year we go to a Spring Planting Festival held in a pioneer village about 3 1/2 hours from our house.  It has gardening stuff for me, and a folk/country music contest for Eric, and animals for the kids.  It was a great trip, and I'll share some pictures with you over the next couple days.

I can hardly resist the opportunity to take a photo of sleeping babies.

Ellis checking out heirloom chickens.

He was slightly freaked out by some of the stranger-looking ones.

Not freaked out by guns, though.  He knew immediately what to do with it.  (Sigh)

I cannot look at this photo without cracking up.  We had a kind stranger take a photo of us carefully arranged in this photo prop.  Even Ollie stayed put.  But Ellis?  He decided just to give the camera  a wave.

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